Wordpress to BlogSpot

What does this mean? Like you were on wordpress and you had issue with your hosting or money :moneybag: issue, what will you do? Port back to Blogspot or keep waiting for the issues that you yourself didn’t know when it’ll be solved and remember, the more you stay offlline waiting , the more your web reputation goes off…

If you are the one , what will you do???

I go jejely port back to Blogspot, and redirect my URL on the WordPress to the Blogspot. That is better than staying offline completely


I’ll do same thing @tuhamworld said.


On point with tuhamworld. Your business can’t be down for long. You lose traffic and a lot of signals will count low on ur domain.


If it is hosting issue, I will move to another host. If it is money issue, I will humbly port back to Blogger oo :slight_smile:


I think If it’s money issue, some blogger go think say their ego go reduce if they port back from WP to Blogger… or what their audience will think of them :neutral_face:

Me no go mind ooh…


Lots of signal count on one’s domain name ooh!

Even if it’s just some simple HTML pages, try to create it so that whenever people type your URL, they would still find something.:smile:

For instance: Twitterfeed.com had stopped working since a year and some months now. Still yet, their domain name is active in which they mention the announcement and even suggest another option for their users


Thank you everyone, i really appreciate your response. And you guys just might have saved someone’s business…

@tuhamworld , @jidetheblogger , @Mosswriter , @RealityEmma

By the way, your response makes me like O.Planet :+1::+1::raised_hands: