WordPress : How To Restrict Admin Access By User Role

Let’s assume you have a WordPress site with some editors, authors and subscribers, you can easily disable wordpress dashboard for subscribers and other user roles by making use of the remove dashboard access plugin for wordpress.


The plugin is cool.

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Wow!! This plugin is so cool, users now won’t be able to access the dashboard…

Thanks for sharing baba

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Hello Ogbongebri,

Do You mean restriction to something like “website/wp admin login”?

If that, i am thinking how would they be logging in?

No, it restricts access to default WordPress dashboard. They can still sign in to WordPress and access the site and any custom dashboard

Am kind of confused ?

Is there a custom dashboard apart from WordPress dashboard?

I don’t seem to get the use of this plugin, I have two I have an admin and two contributors on my site. How is the plugin useful… If I restrict access to dashboard, can they still write or won’t be able to write.

They can write from the frontend if you have a plugin that makes that possible. This plugin is useful for sites with lots of users you won’t want to see the default wp dashboard. Not really for sites with just authors…