Where to get legit photos for your blog

Please where can I get legit and unique photos for my blog @jideogunsanya and others.

Of course am heading for adsense and I need a clean source :grin: Love you guys :heart_eyes: thanks! In advance.

You can get an image for your blog post using your niche.

If your is niche is tech how to, you can get image(s) from Google then add your own editing to it and make it look like you created it so as to avoid copyrighted materials…

If you know you can’t edit the image, just place the source below it in your blog post and Google will understand…

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If you can afford to buy premium photos, you better buy them. If you follow shortcuts of editing people’s images from Google, wait until you become a big time hit. The suits that await you are still doing press ups. The image owners will sue you to the last coin for using their images without their consent.

It does not help if you download someone’s image and add a caption to it (attributing source); you must have a written consent from the image owner to use their work. Do not be deceived.

Good news though. I have compiled a list of 60+ sites where you can get professional quality stock photos to use on your blog. The owners give you express permission to use their images with or without attribution and you do not have to pay a single penny for it.

Have fun blogging with high quality images for your blog.


Nice one @MrVoke on my way to check it out #Thanks

@Ogbongetechs I also saw you comment, it’s great #ThanksMan

You can use bigstock images or any other paid photo websites out there. Some of them have free photos you can easily download and use whilst some have different plans you can subscribe for and download a specific number of images per day for a given number of days usually 30 days.

How ever, what i usually do and that has been working is this. I just head over to google, google for the image i want, then download. After downloading, all i have to do is edit using any photo editor on PC or Android like photoshop, paint or photo editor.

All i do is just crop, add a thing or two in the photo say text or image, rename and save. Upload to post and voila…

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#Thanks @Uche_Francis

I get most of my images from Google. Anyway, you can also get free stock images at : https://www.pexels.com

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@jidetheblogger #Thanks

@Bestsmiles you can also use www.pixabay.com

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#Thanks bro @tuhamworld

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I do get images from google… But this one’s you guys share are also cool Thanks.