Ultimate AdSense isn't Ultimate for Nigerian blogs?

Hi. After you’ve gone through a lot to get the ultimate AdSense approval, reading about how much one could earn, and calculating future revenue even before approval, you now have AdSense ads running on your site. After months you’re earning $0.3 dollars from 30 clicks… What would you do?

Go back to the village because Blogging is not for everyone

ohoh… Not too meaningful… But blogging isn’t for everyone

ohoh… Not too meaningful… But blogging isn’t for everyone

Ok alright

You have to use money to make money promote and you will see result or blast like me

Put more effort. Nothing good comes easy.

Also true.

You’re correct bro. That’s exactly what I was hoping to see someone write. Nothing good comes easy and if AdSense isn’t paying good, it means… We’re talking low traffic and a not too popular blog… A really popular blog should hit millions even with a 0.01 CPC… Just saying…


Well it happens a lot, especially to those who are new to blogging but with time you will start earning something tangible from adsense. My advice is that you take away your mind from the money and build reputation, traffic and readership for now. Once you have all these, the money will come. Even Jide will tell you that he didn’t start making millions immediately he started blogging