How To Know The Phone Number Used To Register for NIN

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Knowing the phone number which you used during enrolment for the NIN is very important as it helps in retrieving your NIN with your mobile phone anytime you need it.

More so, it is also required for you to access the online nin portal and for you to be able to use the NIMC NIN mobile app. An OTP will be sent to the phone number for verification before you can use the nin app.

If you want to know the phone number used to register for your NIN, there is a trick you can try, which worked for me.

Simply download nin app to your mobile phone.

One download completes, launch the mobile app, enter your NIN number and be clicking NEXT till you get to the “welcome” screen where you will be promoted to enter your 11-digit NIN

After you enter your NIN, tap NEXT and you will see a screen that will display the number linked to your NIN.

More so, you will see two options which you will be required to select from i.e if you are still using the mobile number or no longer using it.

You will be able to proceed in using the nin mobile app if you still have access to the number. If you select the second option, you will be advised to visit any NIMC office to update your mobile number for you to continue to use the app.

![know mobile phone number used to enrol register for nin|922x586](upload://Aqx0BMksuNdOXgSXlnw6n0Ov8KR.png)

How Do I Register for NIN in Nigeria?

You can enrol for NIN at any NIMC enrolment centres nationwide.

To shorten the time required to complete the process, you can download nin registration form online and kickstart your nin pre-enrolment online. Thereafter, you can visit nearby nin enrolment centre to complete the nin registration.