How does search engines treat small content in wordpress

In nairaland, short content are always there and I believe they rank well…however, in wordpress short contents are almost not allowed… Please say something about yoast seo and small content…how does google and other search engines really treat small content from wordpress websites…

You can post whatever you like on WordPress, no matter the length. Uninstall Yoast if you don’t wan’t to be seeing all those alerts telling you your content is short blah blah blah.

Short content does not really matter.

According to ranksignals, Nairaland has a high page rank of 7. See screenshot below.


The rank signals shows that the domain authority of Nairalnad is high.

Due to its authority, when an article or post is shared on Nairaland, it ranks quickly on Google and other search engines.

Yoast guides you on writing better SEO ranked articles but this doesn’t apply to all bloggers.

For example, if you are a news or gossip blogger, all your articles can never show the green lights.

Are you getting me?

However, if you want the articles to have the yoast green lights all through, follow the guidelines in the yoast plugin.

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I’m grateful for this answers…but what are the chances of just one paragraph or one sentence in search engines (SEO)