How do you get quality backlinks (share your strategy)

Okay. That’s good then, but there are other ways. On a common note, guess blogging would go a long way in building your reputation, your blog’s authority and value.

Another way is to look beyond Nigeria.

Foreign visitors are more likely to link back to your site. Most Nigerians will edit your post and share on their blogs without giving you any credits.

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yes, true, even foreign blog do that too.

But less often.

Then best form of link building is you putting many other industry expert blogs links on your blogs and watch google rank you high.

try it and tell me the good news. My Opinion though.

?? I don’t grab a thing.

@jidetheblogger is this true?

having other people links on your website. like when you write an article and you make reference to a site like lindaikeji or an industry expert blog in your niche.

It doesn’t work that way. Although, you could get links from blogs when you first link to them. This is because:

#1: They’ll think of you as being generous. If you link to their blog, why can’t they link to yours, right? But it doesn’t work exactly for mega or giant blogs who have thousands of authority links pointing to their blog already. This strategy would work on small and medium blogs some times, but not always. At best, link out, Google will see your blog as being trustworthy if you link to other authority blogs, and especially if you’ve got some rocking content on your blog.

Good to be back here! What works in 2019? :smiley: