Having problem login into my site admin

I hosted a website at garanntor and when I try to login to my site admin section it displays error most times. I use mysite.com/wp-admin and at times it opens but most times it shows error.

Pls I need help

Upload screenshot of the error.

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That is it

Have you used the domain name as a custom domain forna blogger blog before ?

If yes, you can check your domain name dns settings for Blogger CName and A records and delete them.

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Yes boss, I can send before. I registered the domain with domainking and I have search on how to remove those Cnames but I didn’t see it. Please is their anyway you can give me to remove it??

Oh, I see. Ohk, check your nameservers and upload the screenshot of your nameservers settings here or state what you have there.

That the name server settings

You propably should submit a support ticket to domainking explaining the issue to them and they would fix it up.

Owk I will try that