Bloggers Experts Come In Please!

Please Have Been Trying To Edit Emporio Blogger Template! But, When Ever I Save It! It Doesn’t Change… What’d be the reason for that please?

What happens when you click on Save?

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Nothing… The template dey save! But e no dey take effect @Jidetheblogger

Check very well there should be a sky blue line crossing the code line where there is an error and also the specific error preventing the edit from saving will be written in RED in above with the possible solution

I happens when you dont have an approved AdSense account… Mr Jide posted something on that, but I can’t get to the post now…

Alright, just head over to your blog HTML editor and delete the AdSense code in it. Just search AdSense.

After deleting, save your template. That will work. :hugs:

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Bro! i get adsense now?

Verified with the mail you used for the blog??

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Nay!!! Different Gmail Bro

That’s what I’m saying… Ok let me get you the post, so you’ll know the exact AdSense code to remove, since you have AdSense already.


Alright Bro! Please Addup :- So we gon tawk well anytime

Here is a link to the post.

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Asides from the above suggestions RealityEmma, is there no other way we beginners can correct this problem? I had this same problem about the number of post i want to appear at my homepage.

How many posts suppose to display and how many are displaying? What’s the blog url?

It is to display 12 post per page because i set it to 12 but it is displaying 7. The blog url is Thanks jidetheblogger!

Some posts out of the 7 posts probably contain heavy media file(s).

Nope! Each post just contain words and a simple pic at the top and i make sure i reduce the image size. Nothing else…