What Is Wrong With This Facebook Ad?

A bloggerslab member claimed he spent $3.25 to achieve only 5 clicks with this Facebook ad.

What do you think is wrong with the ad?

Everybody loves cat I think… But the writeup isnt so captivating and it is too long… I have lost interest before even sticking around to know why the heck this person has to stick it with a cat.

#I think

1.the snippet is saying different thing from the title (7 best and useful accessories for your care). It would have been best to start with introduction instead of jumping to the no 1 (phone holder)

2. Write up (he/she was just rushing to make sales. (I visited the site)

3. The image is saying different thing from the post itself (both snippet and title)

4 he/she just need a little more readings to do on affiliate marketing #Am I right? :blush:

Am still a beginner ooo, #

Correct me if am wrong.


#Misleading info (cat pic and you’re talking of a car??) and poor copy

The aD images seem to be misleading… In respect to the text.

Ad Image and Post snippet is a NO NO…