Infinix Zero 5 Review (A Race To Perfection)

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What comes to your mind when you hear “Infinix Zero 5” ?. There are many thoughts :thought_balloon: that immediately rushes into your head… #thePortraitMaster, #powerOfTwo… etc. But when i hear Infinix Zero 5, what comes to my mind is nothing else, but "Perfection"… And that’s the reason why, in today’s review, we’ll be seeing if the Infinix zero 5 really checks all the boxes in its race to perfection. So come with me and let’s tear this beast down.


So here is a list of the criteria we will be using to judge the Infinix Zero 5.

The Design, The Display, The Processor speed and RAM management, Storage, The Camera, Software Updates, Security, Connectivity and Telephony, Audio Quality, Battery Life, Miscellaneous

sorry guys, i can’t post the full review here, cause it is really gonna be a daunting task, with editing the words and importing the images… To see the complete review, please Click on the link below…

Click On The Link Below To Open The Full Review

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They are getting there, but still far from perfection yet