I'm not currently ranked in Alexa

The famous Alexa rank is a site that I can use to check my site’s rankings but each time I type in my site and click enter, I get N/a as rthe result. Help!

It means you still have a lot to do on your website . This usually occurs when your metrics is far

OK… So what do I have to do

Focus on increasing your blog’s traffic, Share on Social Media, Publish quite frequent and write Friendly content

If your blog is below 3 months old, wait, Alexa will rank you with traffic info of your blog from the last 3 months. If your blog is over 5 months and still unranked, ensure your pages are seen on Google, do a little link building here & there… In short; drive traffic to your blog.

OK thank you. But my blog is at least 3 weeks old

Then be patient

Ok I Will:wink: