How To Have Your Ad Sense Account Approved Quickly? (Fixed)

AdSense is a free, simple way to make money online by placing adverts on your website or blog. This is Google’s way of rewarding your hard work as a publisher in their network. This is the most paying AdClient service online.

This service uses CPI(Cost Per Impressions) and CPC(Cost Per Clicks) term to determine earnings. This means you will earn depending on the number of times the Ads were seen or, and the number of Click your Ads received. If You Applied AdSense With A YouTube Account, See this Article, The Process Is Different.

Hundreds of publishers if not thousands, get the “Denied” message almost every day whilst trying to use AdSense. The service is strict and needs quality. This is because Google works with big companies. Almost all the big corporate brands use AdWords and AdSense to reach their targets. Google needs to keep the standard.

Here Are The Important Things To Check First Before You Apply For AdSense.

  1. Content

Before you Submit your application, your site/blog should have content enough. Many reviewers usually write that you should have about 30 posts. Well, this is not always the case. Articles may be 10, but with good content. A normal blog post should have about 500 words to a 1000, - 10 or 15 of those would surely give you an edge.

Consistency to your work is also key. Blogging once in a month can make your site passive.

Use Spell Check software to your articles. They will help you to write sense. There are powerful spell checkers like the native Microsoft Word, Grammarly, and others.
2. Custom Domain

A domain is an address to your site. Getting a domain like or dot.whatver your local country code will put you to an advantage. However, not a primary requirement. (This blog uses AdSense without a custom domain). Domains are cheap, you can get one at top providers like GoDaddy, AfriHost, WebAfrica and others.
3. Important Web Sections

Google prefer real and original publishers. There are items on your site that show that you are a legit publisher. This include. About Pages Contact Info Social Page linking. A site that does not have an About Page and Contacts Us can mislead readers and get away from it, because there are details to make it accountable. Those section makes your blog professional.

On the contact page, your email address should be visible. Make sure the Google email you applied AdSense with, is also there.

The About Section should be real. Don’t fake it. Putting a wrong message like “The Biggest Technology Blog in South Africa” will not help you. Just write what your blog is all about, without claiming some ranks you are not in.

Linking your social media pages to your website is another great way of showing that your site is legit. Readers can interact with you after seeing your articles.

  1. Themes

Most of the beginner-publishers don’t take heed of their themes. Themes play an important role in your site. They make it attractive and worth viewing. Most of the native blogger themes are good for mobile, but not for a desktop. Themes that shows sections like featured posts, triggered news, and label sections are the best, and makes your work neat. If you post articles with different topic sections, your work might get mixed up.

Make use of the Menu Bar. It lists your site sections in a professional and clear way. It’s easy to navigate in all sections of your site with a top menu.

You can download Blogger themes at top distributors like GooyaabiTemplates, MyBloggerThemes, Sora Templates and BTemplates. They offer free and paid versions. Google accept both versions.

  1. CopyRight

As a writer, blogger or publisher, you have to be aware of the copyright conditions and terms. If your content is just a Copy and Paste from other sources, Google algorithms will surely detect that. It’s allowed to quote, reference and use other publishers work in your articles, provided you do not infringe the copyright terms. Pictures not owned by yourself should have a clear description and a reference to the owner or the site that was taken from. The article also appear at

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Nice one bro

Interesting facts thanks bro