Gmail reply-to Not Working? Try This

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The contact form on my blog is powered by Contact form 7 plugin for WordPress. I set it up in such a way that if I receive the sender’s message in my gmail inbox (gsuite precisely), all I need to do is to click REPLY and I will be able to reply the sender. This is possible because the sender’s email is automatically set as the “reply-to” email address. But since late last year, the…

I don’t know about that Issue yet, but the Issue that which am currently facing is Not Being Able To Open Gmail on My Chrome Browser

You can’t open gmail on chrome browser for pc or mobile chrome browser?

On my PC; i have two accounts there in which both of them are administrator.

I set this two accounts so it can be easier for me to use one account for my personal work and the other account for clients work…

However i noticed from my own account; Gmail does not open in Chrome browser but opened in Firefox. Also; Gmail open fine on the second administrator account on Chrome

However => I have format my PC and everything is now working fine

ohk, cool. Glad it’s working fine now

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